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House Plant Tarot Deck

House Plant Tarot Deck

Regular price $27.99 USD
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Houseplant Tarot – A Rider Waite tarot deck featuring well-loved, thriving houseplants that have been diligently cared for, watered daily, pruned, and nurtured with sunlight and conversation by their human caretakers. Succulents, potting pots, and cacti take center stage in this sweet and thoughtful tarot deck, designed especially for botanical and plant lovers.

The simple yet impactful art of the Houseplant Tarot allows the plants and their stories to shine, offering a unique and nurturing approach to tarot readings. Nature's perfect connection with one's inner self is at the forefront, making this tarot deck an ideal divination tool for those seeking guidance in harmony with the botanical world.

Complete with a guidebook, the Houseplant Tarot is not only visually appealing but also a perfect choice for beginners diving into the world of tarot cards. Elevate your readings and connect with the healing energy of nature through this delightful and green-infused tarot deck.

* 78 Cards, 4.75” x 2.75”
* Guidebook.
* Tuck box.

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